Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Neonatal Screening Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Health And Social Care Essay

Methods: We assessed whether adult females would be willing to partake in a pilot testing plan for antenatal intoxicant exposure in a bad obstetric unit antecedently shown to hold a high prevalence of FAEE-positive meconium when tested anonymously. The testing plan involved voluntary testing of meconium for FAEEs and long-run developmental followup of positive instances through an bing public wellness plan. Consequences: The engagement rate in the showing plan was significantly lower than when proving was offered anonymously ( 78 % vs. 95 % , severally ; p & lt ; 0.05 ) , and the positiveness rate was 3 % A in contrast to 30 % observed under anon. conditions ( P & lt ; 0.01 ) . Interpretation: These low rates suggest that the bulk of imbibing female parents refused to take part. We conclude that despite the possible benefits of such screening plans, maternal involuntariness to consent, probably due to fear, embarrassment, and guilt, may restrict the effectivity of meconium proving for population-based unfastened showing.Introduction:Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder ( FASD ) encompasses the wide scope of physical, cognitive, and behavioural disablements that can originate due to antenatal intoxicant exposure ( 1 ) . Affecting an estimated 9.1/1000 unrecorded births, it is a taking preventable cause of mental deceleration in the western universe ( 2 ) , with estimated one-year costs in Canada transcending $ 5 billion in productiveness losingss, medical costs, particular instruction, societal services, and projecting behaviors ( 3 ) . Although the primary alcohol-induced harm is lasting, early diagnosing is good and associated with a reduced hazard of secondary disablements such as disrupted school experience, unemployment, institutionalization, and problem with the jurisprudence ; probably because it permits early intercession and specialised support ( 4 ) . Unfortunately, acknowledging FASD is highly ambitious and diagnosing is frequently contingent upon set uping a history of important in-utero intoxicant exposure ( 1 ) . Since maternal studies are undependable in providing this information due to remember prejudice and common underreporting ( 5 ; 6 ) , nonsubjective biomarkers have been investigated. Fatty acerb ethyl esters ( FAEEs ) are non-oxidative metabolites of ethyl alcohol formed by esterification of ethyl alcohol to endogenous fatty acids or fatty acyl-CoA ( 7 ; 8 ) that sedimentation and accumulate in foetal meconium ( 9 ; 10 ) . Numerous surveies have validated meconium FAEEs as biomarkers of heavy antenatal intoxicant exposure happening in the last two trimesters of gestation ( 11-19 ) ; understanding between meconium FAEEs and assorted alcohol-related results has been demonstrated ( 18 ; 20-23 ) ; and this trial has been used anonymously to obtain epidemiological informations on antenatal intoxicant exposure in selected populations ( 23-25 ) . It has been recognized that meconium analysis may function as a neonatal showing tool for the designation of alcohol-exposed neonates, and could potentially be implemented as a cosmopolitan screen or targeted to bad populations ( 26 ) . Such testing would non merely supply accurate exposure history required for diagnosing, but if implemented along with a comprehensive follow-up plan and intercessions, could ease early acknowledgment and intervention of FASD ( 26-28 ) . As an added value, it may place and let for intercession in problem-drinking female parents, which, in bend, may forestall future alcohol-exposed gestations ( 7 ) . However, since informed consent from a competent patient or appointed guardian prior to intervention or testing is an ethical and legal constituent of medical pattern ( 29 ; 30 ) , a testing plan of this nature would necessitate consent of the kid ‘s legal defender ( typically the parent ) . This may decrease the value of meconium showing in a clinica l scene since embarrassment, guilt, and frights of stigma and child apprehensiveness may discourage adult females who consumed intoxicant from accepting to proving despite the possible value to child wellness. To find if adult females would volitionally take part in a neonatal showing plan for antenatal intoxicant exposure, we offered meconium proving with subsequent followup, intercessions and societal supports, to adult females from a regional Ontario population presenting in a bad obstetric unit antecedently shown to hold a high prevalence of alcohol-exposed newborns as determined by anon. meconium proving. We assessed the rates of voluntary engagement and positiveness for intoxicant exposure, and compared these with the rates observed with anon. proving.Methods:Capable enlisting:Written informed consent for meconium FAEE analysis and followup of those proving positive was sought from all Grey-Bruce adult females presenting at St. Joseph ‘s Health Care in London Ontario from November 1st, 2008 to May 31st, 2010. Briefly, Grey-Bruce occupants identified by nurses were informed of the survey, offered showing, and given an Informed Consent papers to reexamine and subscribe if they ch ose to take part. Womans were besides informed of the survey through booklets and postings in the pregnancy ward. It was stressed that a positive trial or self-report of imbibing in gestation would non ask engagement of kid protection bureaus, but would be used to originate follow-up by the Public Health nurse and her section and to mobilise support services if needed.Meconium aggregation, handling, and analysis:Meconium specimens from newborns born to accepting adult females were collected into 50-mL screw cap conelike polypropene tubings ( Sarstedt AG & A ; Co. , Numbrecht, Germany ) by nursing staff and labeled with the capable figure to guarantee confidentiality. Samples were stored onsite at -20A °C and shipped on dry ice to the Motherisk Laboratory at Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario on a fortnightly footing where they were stored at -80A °C until analysis. Meconium FAEEs were measured utilizing headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. The method involves the sensing and quantification of four FAEEs ( ethyl palmitate, linoleate, oleate, and stearate ) utilizing matching d5-ethyl esters as internal criterions. It has been developed and validated in our research lab, and published in item elsewhere ( 31 ; 32 ) . Heptane, ethyl esters ( palmitate, linoleate, oleate, stearate ) , fatty acids ( palmitic, linoleic, oleic, stearic ) , anhydrous ethanol-d6, and thionyl chloride were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Co. ( St. Louis, MO ) . Acetone was obtained from EMD Chemicals Inc. ( Gibbstown, NJ ) . Chromatograms were analyzed utilizing LabSolutions GCMSsolution package version 2.50SU1 ( Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan ) . A cumulative amount of a†°?2.00 nmol FAEE/gram meconium was considered positive, bespeaking heavy imbibing with 100 % sensitiveness and 98.4 % specificity as was established in a population ba seline survey that measured meconium FAEEs in newborns born to ascetics, societal drinkers, and confirmed heavy drinkers ( 16 ) .Maternal and neonatal features:Capable features along with gestation and bringing information were obtained from charts of accepting adult females. Additionally, information on intoxicant usage was obtained by the nursing staff utilizing the Parkyn Screening Tool ; a everyday postpartum questionnaire.Follow-up and neurodevelopmental appraisal:Children with positive meconium consequences were followed-up through Ontario ‘s †Healthy Babies Healthy Children † ( HBHC ) plan that involves postpartum home-visits by public wellness nurses who provide personalized support and instruction to households with neonates ( 33 ) . In this survey, the nurse assigned to a positive instance was notified of meconium trial consequences, conducted an in-depth household appraisal ( including a screen for intoxicant usage upsets ) , and enrolled the household i n an on-going home-visiting plan with an individualised household service program that included regular appraisals of developmental mileposts utilizing the Ages and Stages QuestionnairesA ® ( ASQ ) . Children with positive trial consequences besides received neurodevelopmental appraisal by a certified clinical psychologist during two place visits ; around 3 months and 1-1.5 old ages of age. The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition ( Bayley-IIIA ® ) was used, which measures infant cognitive, lingual, and motor operation. If developmental holds were detected, extra service suppliers were engaged through referrals to intercession plans and specialized services that were provided through HBHC plan and Grey-Bruce Health Unit at no cost to the household. Need for referral to diagnostic services at the Hospital for Sick Children was assessed. Extra support services for the household were available if needed, including dependence intervention, guidance, rearing support, instruction on FASD, nutrition, employment, and diversion.Comparison with anon. meconium testing:The showing plan was launched in a bad obstetric unit where a old survey, utilizing anon. meconium testing, observed a 12-fold higher hazard of FAEE-positive meconium in adult females referred to this site as compared to the general population of the part ( 30 % vs. 2.5 % ) . About 95 % of adult females participated in that survey. To find whether adult females who consumed intoxicant during gestation agreed to take part in the pilot unfastened t esting plan, the rates of voluntary engagement and positiveness for antenatal intoxicant exposure observed in our unfastened plan, were compared to rates observed in that old anon. survey conducted in the same obstetrical unit a twelvemonth before ( 25 ) . Fisher ‘s Exact Test was used to compare the consequences of the two surveies. Two-tailed P-value & lt ; 0.05 was considered statistically important.Ethical motives:The survey was approved by the research moralss boards of the Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Western Ontario.Consequence:Willingness of female parents to take part in unfastened testing plan:Sixty female parents from Grey-Bruce were identified at St. Joseph ‘s Hospital and offered meconium showing, of which 47 adult females consented, numbering a 78 % consent rate ( Figure 1 ) . The maternal and neonatal features of accepting topics are presented in Table 1. The consent rate was significantly lower than that observed in old survey in which meconium was tested anonymously ( 95 % vs. 78 % ) ( P & lt ; 0.05 ) ( Table 2 ) . Of involvement, we documented one case where a adult female recalled take parting in the anon. prevalence survey with her old babe, but refused to take part in this unfastened testing plan when told there would be follow-up of positive instances. Additionally, we encountered a adult female who, although agreed to take part, was uncooperative, repeatedly pretermiting to advise the nurses that meconium had passed and flinging the samples so that none were collected.Positivity for antenatal intoxicant exposure in pilot testing plan:Samples were collected from 50 newborns of which 39 were successfully analyzed ( Figure 1 ) . Merely one of the 39 samples tested above the positive cut-off ( a†°?2 nmol/g ) for FAEE ( 52 nmol/g ) , which translated to a 3 % positiveness rate for antenatal intoxicant exposure. Eleven samples were non-analyzable because of presence of contaminations and/or postpartum stool that impeded chromatography. The ascertained 3 % positiveness rate for antenatal ethyl alcohol exposure was tenfold lower than the 30 % positiveness rate observed under anon. conditions in the old survey ( P & lt ; 0.01 ) ( Table 2 ) .Maternal self-report of intoxicant usage in gestation:Chart reviews did non uncover that substance maltreatment ( intoxicant or drugs ) was the primary ground for referral to St. Joseph ‘s Health Care in any of the instances. Three adult females admitted to devouring any sum of intoxicant in gestation on their antenatal consumption signifiers, including the adult female whose babe ‘s meconium tested positive for FAEEs. However, none reported refering intoxicant usage, with one adult female saying that she drank a†°Ã‚ ¤2 drinks per hebdomad, another coverage that she consumed an â€Å" occasional drink † , and the 3rd saying she drank merely prior to her cognition of gestation without traveling into farther inside informations.F ollow-up and neurodevelopmental appraisal of positive instance:One newborn tested positive for heavy antenatal ethyl alcohol exposure ( 52 nmol FAEE/g meconium ) . Follow-up was arranged as per protocol through the HBHC plan and a public wellness nurse assigned to the instance initiated an appropriate household service program affecting place visits and frequent appraisals of the baby ‘s development. Neurodevelopmental appraisal conducted by a certified clinical psychologist at 3 months of age utilizing BSID-IIIA ® did non uncover any holds ; nevertheless, holds in motor development became evident in 6-month and 8-month appraisals conducted by the public wellness nurse utilizing ASQ. At the 14-month appraisal conducted by a clinical psychologist utilizing BSID-III, the kid scored in low mean scope on motor and linguistic communication graduated tables, exposing holds peculiarly in gross motor and expressive linguistic communication operation, which were good below age outloo ks ( in the 9th and 5th percentile, severally ) . The baby was enrolled in an Infant and Child Development plan and will be referred to a Language and Speech development plan. Referrals to diagnostic clinics have non yet been made, and it is non known whether the ascertained holds are alcohol-related or possibly due to other factors.Interpretation:We observed that engagement and positiveness rates in our unfastened pilot testing plan were significantly lower than those observed when the trial was offered anonymously in the same bad unit, proposing that many adult females who consumed intoxicant in gestation refused to take part, non wishing to be identified by the showing plan. Of involvement, if we assume that all refusals were in fact positive samples, the positiveness rate in our population would number 27 % , which is similar to the positiveness rate observed by Goh and co-workers with anon. meconium testing ( 25 ) . To our cognition, this is the first survey to use biomarkers of foetal intoxicant exposure in an unfastened showing plan designed to ease diagnosing and intervention of alcohol-affected kids. Our consequences suggest that, despite the possible benefits that such screening plans may supply ( as was exemplified by the positive instance ) , adult females ‘s involuntariness to consent may decrease the value of unfastened population-based showing. Schemes to better engagement would necessitate to be investigated if meconium showing is implemented in clinical pattern. For illustration, the â€Å" opt-out † method to derive consent was shown to give higher proving rates in neonatal HIV showing ( 34 ) . Engagement rates may besides increase with societal selling, public instruction, and as the trial becomes established in society. If this occurs, the testing plan piloted here may function as a theoretical account for a plan that can be implemented in a clinical scene since it ut ilized presently bing services in the community. The developmental followup of kids identified by the screen was integrated into Ontario ‘s HBHC plan, and aid to kids exposing holds was provided through bing community wellness plans and services, such as address and linguistic communication, baby and kid development, and rearing support ; which may all be adapted to integrate intercessions and schemes shown to be effectual in helping kids with FASD and their households ( 35 ; 36 ) . Low engagement is non the lone possible obstruction to implementing testing in clinical pattern. The costs and resources required for proving, follow-up, diagnosing, and intercessions, every bit good as, system capacity to manage these instances, must be considered. Two cost-effectiveness surveies analyzing similar conjectural showing plans showed that decrease in secondary disablements and primary bar of FASD by intercession and instruction of female parents may take to social nest eggs ( 27 ; 28 ) . However, more surveies with concrete cost input variables are needed to find this. Furthermore, several ethical considerations could besides impede testing execution. Although showing can better quality of life through early diagnosing, observing maternal imbibing during gestation and labeling kids as â€Å" at-risk † may transport serious psychosocial deductions for these kids and their households, and affect relationships both within the household and between the household and society, including their service suppliers ( 37 ) . The trial consequences may potentially be misused by tribunals, societal services, insurance companies, and even within the health-care system through stigmatisation of patients ensuing in their under-treatment. To guarantee that households experience maximal benefits and minimal hazards, issues environing confidentiality, entree to consequences, and their usage, must be carefully considered. Our survey has restrictions. The pilot testing plan was implemented at a third parturition site, which was chosen due to the high prevalence of FAEE-positive meconium shown in a old anon. survey. Because Grey-Bruce communities are reasonably little in size, the consequences may hold been different if showing was implemented at a primary parturition site, where patients may be more trusting of their wellness attention suppliers, who probably provided them with antenatal attention. Alternatively, because the community is little, adult females may be even less likely to accept because of frights of stigmatisation and other societal deductions that may be more marked in a little community. Whatever the instance may be, the consequences may non be applicable to a primary health-care scene in a little community. To sum up, this is the first survey to implement an unfastened neonatal testing plan for antenatal intoxicant exposure aimed at easing sensing and direction of FASD. Follow-up, intercessions, and support plans were individualized and offered within the model of presently available services in the country, thereby patterning a plan that could be implemented in clinical pattern. We demonstrated that adult females ‘s involuntariness to partake in this showing, particularly of those who consumed intoxicant in gestation, may impede the execution of such testing plans in clinical pattern. Future surveies should research schemes that may better adult females ‘s willingness to consent, every bit good as, evaluate and reference other possible barriers to testing by finding the cost-effectiveness, logistics, and best patterns for plan execution.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Teacher Who Influential Your Life

The person who influential me to become a better writer was my sixth grade English teacher Ms. Campbell. Ms. Campbell was not a normal English teacher. She taught us many writing technique that I still use today. I remember this one day in English class; Ms. Campbell was teaching us the fan boys out of no where she started rapping the fan boys. Still to this day I can remember the rap that she taught us. Ms Campbell had different ways of each us. Ms. Campbell would suck your right in she made us think out of the box. Also, Ms. Campbell had this way to make writing exciting, and that you cannot live without writing. There never was a day that was not interesting in English class. Ms. Campbell was the one who inspired me to write everyday. She would always tell her students â€Å"when you have bad days write about it. † Ms. Campbell was one of the reasons why I wanted to become a writer. She had a way of make me feel that I can become anything. Ms. Campbell would teach us how to write complete sentence. Everything Ms. Campbell taught us she made it into a rap song. We would help her put the rap together. I remember Ms. Campbell was in front of the class we were learning about the writing process. Ms. Campbell went to her desk, and said whoever the first person to say what the steps of the writing process are would get this big chocolate candy bar. I never had seen so many hands go up so fast. Even through no one know the step of the writing process Ms. Campbell gave everyone candy. Ms Campbell never gave up on her students she always pushes us to finish what we started. There were so many things that I learned from Ms. Campbell, but this lesson I will never forget. The lesson was an essay question was what do you want to be when you get older? Ms. Campbell made us write whole paper about the topic, and then made us share with the class. After, that Ms. Campbell hangs them all over the class to see how other students write. Another lesson Ms. Campbell taught me was remember that everyone have different writing from each other all writes have different stories. Ms. Campbell had these little riddles fro example, sticks, and stone might break my bones, but words do hurt. Ms. Campbell had all these different sang for every problem. One of my favorite lessons that Ms. Campbell taught me was independent clause. We would sing it to Aretha Franklin song RESPECT. Another, favorite lesson that she taught me was run-on sentence and fragments. When Ms. Campbell taught us run on sentences her example was talking with out stopping. Then her other example with fragments she would write a fragment on the board and ask us is this complete sentence. Another, lesson that Ms. Campbell taught us was about transition words she had a rap for transition words too. Ms. Campbell is not normal English teacher she had this spark about teaching us about writing process, fanboys, run on sentence, fragments, independents clauses, dependent clause, and transition words. Everyday I could not wait for the bell to ring to go to Ms. Campbell English class room 106. Ms. Campbell never lost faith in her students she always had faith in her students. She always gives us good feed back. Ms. Campbell made writing exciting. Ms. Campbell lesson stayed with me. For example, fanboys rap, writing process, independent clause song, and last but not least comma rules. Ms. Campbell was an amazing English teacher she taught me so much. That I’ll never forget what an amazing teacher Ms. Campbell was.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Dr. Randy Pausch Essay

Dr. Randy Pausch was an American professor of computer Science and human-computer interaction and design at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He learned that he had suffering from the pancreatic cancer in September 2006, and in August 2007 he was giving a terminal diagnosis:†3 to 6 months of good health left.† He gave an upbeat lecture titled â€Å"The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.† On September 18, 2007, at Camegie Mellon University. On the stage that day, Randy was youthful, energetic, handsome, often cheerfully, darkly funny. He seemed invincible. But this was a brief moment, as he himself acknowledged. If you knew you were going to die and you had one last lecture. What would you say to your students? For Dr. Randy Pausch, there’s an elephant in the room and the elephant in the room is that for him it wasn’t hypothetical. It has now come back after surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation and the doctor to ld him there’s nothing to do and he has months to live. These are his most recent CT scans. The pancreatic cancer has spread to his liver. They’re approximately a dozen tumors. Even though he don’t like this but he can’t do anything about the fact that he is going to die. The Last Lecture by Dr. Randy Pausch on Oprah was about childhood dreams. His childhood dreams were being in the National Football League. This is one of the childhood dreams he didn’t achieve and it’s very important to know that, if you don’t achieve your dreams, you can still get a lot by trying for it. Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you wanted. Dr. Randy Pausch’s second dream is to become a Walt Disney Imaginary. When he was eight, his family took the Pilgrimage to Disneyland in California and it was this incredible experience. The rides and the shows and the attractions and everything and he said, gosh, I’d like to make stuff like that when he get older. So he graduated from college and he tried to become an Imagineer. T hese are the people who make the magic. He got a lovely rejection letter and then he tried again after graduated school and he have kept all of these rejection letters over the years as an inspiration. But then the darndest thing happened. He worked hard and worked hard and he became a junior faculty member and he specialized in doing certain kinds of research. He developed a skill that was valuable to Disney and he got a chance to go there. Finally, he become a part of an Imagineering team and they worked on something called Aladdin’s Magic Carpet  Ride and it was incredibly cool however it took him over 15 years to do it and lots of tries. What he learned from that the brick walls that are in our way are there for a reason. They are not there to keep us out. They are there to give us a way to show how much we want it. Dr. Randy have a good relationship with his parents. His father is an incredible guy and he fought in World War II. He was clearly part of the greatest generation. Sadly, his father passed away a little over a year ago and when his mother was going through his thing that was when she discovered that in World War II, he was awarded the Bronze Star for valor. His mother was always there to keep him in check. Dr. Randy believed his parents encouraged him to cultivate his creative talents by letting him paint rockets on the walls of his house. When he got older and he bought his first car and he was so excited. According to Dr. Randy, people are more important than things. He just emptying a can of soda onto the back seat of his car when his sister was explains to his niece and nephew so they will not get his car dirty. He explain to her sister about it’s just a thing. Dr. Randy know he will dying soon so he choose to have fun today, tomorrow, and every other day he have left. If you want to achieve your dreams, you better work and play well with others. For him, a good apology has three parts, I’m sorry, it was my fault and how do I make it right? Most people skip that third part. Dr. Randy show his gratitude to the group of kids who helped him gets his dream job by brought them to Disney world. When people asked ‘How could you do it?’ and he said ‘How could I not do it?’ Gratitude is a very simple thing and it’s a very powerful thing. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you. If you live properly, the dreams will come to you.

Core Professional Competencies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Core Professional Competencies - Essay Example The artifact shows that the teacher has not only engaged in classroom activity, but he has also used it to teach them about their responsibilities while in the classroom. The artifact also fulfills another requirement of CPC 6, which is to teach the students regarding appropriate school and overall social behavior. By making the children right rules, the teacher teaches them what the rules are, their importance while making them understand them well. It also serves as an effective strategy for reducing misbehaviors in the classroom as the artifact shows that the teacher also makes all the children sign on the rules, which means that the children would remember that they have promised to abide by the rules. Moreover, it would also make them feel that they were themselves responsible for bringing them in the first place, hence, the would not resent rules. By involving all of the children, the teacher also involves the naughty kids in the activity, which makes them feel responsible. All in all, the artifact not only involves all children in a healthy discussion and activity, it also teaches them about their responsibilities and rights while in the classroom. A good teacher not only provides centralized attention to his classroom, he also provides individual attention to students who are in need of it. CPC 7 requires the teacher to develop individualized education plans for his students. Moreover, he also helps in closing the gap between the students with learning problems and behavioral issues. The artifact is an wonderful implementation of CPC 7, it is a touch math exercise program. This program has been used for a student of grade 2 who has dyspraxia. The child has problems in holding and gripping her pencil and writing her letter on line. She problems in basic computations and is not able to recall basic math functions such as addition and subtraction. The artifact shows that the teacher is fully aware of the weakness of her students and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example The essay or article of Craig Brown was not intended for the medical community because it did not spoke of any revolutionary research or life changing findings in the medical field but rather the dilemma that confronts the physician when they try to extend the life of a patience using the advances in medical technology. He introduced himself and what he does by using metaphors as he narrates the complexity of his job from being an obstetrician â€Å"where fresh-faced tulips are popping up at all hours† (which is not his specialty) to seeing patients of all ages until he touched on taking care for â€Å"threadworn elderly, those facing an eternal winter with no green in sight, is definitely the most difficult thing I do†. He introduced himself as a medical doctor not by enumerating his credentials but rather by narrating in a literary manner the dilemmas he faced as a physician which gave face and feelings to the profession that the readers can easily relate and sympathi ze. In a way, the article was a human interest essay because it emphasized the humane aspect of taking care the elderly from the point of view of a doctor. Dr. Craig Brown’s human interest approach in the article made him more credible both as a doctor and a writer. This is because he showed that he does not only knows his job very well but also knows the human aspect of it and the dilemmas that accompanies in treating patient who are already in their twilight years. His moral stature and credibility became more pronounced that served as an ethos of the article and elevated his stature as an authority who knows the subject as well as the human aspect of it. Thus, it impresses to the reader that he is not only a competent but compassionate as well which made the article close if not endearing to the readers. During the duration of the article, one can readily observe that the essay is replete with heart wrenching scenario in elderly care that the reader can almost feel the bur den of the doctor as he attends to the patient. This is the use of emotion in the article as rhetorical tool of pathos or emotional appeal. After establishing credibility and getting the interest of the reader in his creative and flowery introduction, the author begun narrating his case by capitalizing on the emotional aspect of his job in dealing with elderly who are in their twilight years as the pathos. It is obviously noticeable that even if the author spoke of diseases and medical condition, he did not dwell deep on medical terms but instead used words that are common to the readers such as arthritis, diabetes to avoid distracting the readers with jargon and lose the emotional appeal of the article which explains why the approach was very powerful. The author did not argue by capitalizing on his credentials but persuaded the reader on his point of view by narrating the emotional dilemma that doctors’ feel when attending to these patients that sometimes, living in agony i s worse than death itself. Perhaps the doctor knows that he may be questioned as a practicing physician if he will argue his main point that prolonging life in pain worse than dying itself. As a physician, he is sworn to Hippocratic Oath or in Dr. Craig’s words, he is in a â€Å"do no harm business† and arguing that old people are better off to accept death as they come than suffer a long agonizing life may not

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Amazon Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Amazon - Case Study Example , the organization was an online bookstore but it diversified its operations to include services such as DVDs and VHS tapes, software, electronics, video games, music CDs, furniture, clothing, MP3s, and food items. Technology ensured that E-books could eclipse the sale of hard copies and Bezos took advantage of it (Stone, 2012). This was in recognition to what Amazon had done in making online shopping popular. In order to ensure that its products are closer to the customer, Amazon operates different retails websites for several countries including US, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, China, Spain, Italy, France and Japan. In addition, the organization operates international shipping lines to given countries for delivery of its products to its customers there (Enright, 2010). The main competitors for the organization are Apple Inc., eBay Inc.,, Google, Barnes & Noble, Inc., USA, LLC, and Catalog & Mail Order Houses. This is because the companies are in the same business and they have been able to establish themselves in the market as well. These competitors operate several websites that customers can use to purchase their wares. In addition, the competitors such as Apple Inc offer a diverse number of services that can be used to rival Amazon. However, in order to stay ahead of the game Amazon ensures that it produces services that are not available in the other online retailers. For, example it was the first to introduce an international shipping line for transporting goods to its customers (Enright, 2010). The relationship between Amazon and publishers based in New York is very good because Amazon is able to sell books everywhere (Stone, 2012). This means that the organization has already established itself and thus customers trust its operations. Because of its policies, which are to satisfy the customer at all the times, Amazon has been able to create a huge client base. In addition, the existing clients for Amazon act as its marketers

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Coming Anarchy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Coming Anarchy - Essay Example Kaplan argues that all these developments which are a result of natural resource scarcity and overpopulation will lead to a global anarchy where war and crime are indistinguishable. Kaplan cites loss of power of central governments, political borders becoming obsolete and transfer of power to security firms and private armies as the reason for the rise of global anarchy (Kaplan, 1994). Kaplan’s thesis of the coming anarchy has great support not only from other scholars and experts in the field but also from general public and political community. The support for the thesis mainly rises by the fact that it has been very accurate in predicting the current events in Africa. Also it has been praised for its broad range of reasoning and thought provoking style. The thesis is not free of criticism. It has attracted a lot of criticism for its unscholarly presentation and unprofessional approach. It is argued that there are many flaws in the argument along with poor interpretation of the findings and methodological errors. This paper is an argumentative essay that refutes the claim that resource scarcity will lead to anarchy. The supporters of the thesis believe in it for the logical explanation that is used to prove it. The environmental scarcity of resources which is due to increased demand as a result of overpopulation, degradation of resources, unequal distribution, etc will result in civil violence. Ecological marginalisation and resource capture will be the causes behind civil violence and this in turn will lead to social effects such as migration, legitimate institutes become disrupted and agricultural production is constrained (Barbier & Homer-Dixon, 1996). The supporters agree with the end result of these will be the one predicted in â€Å"The Coming Anarchy†. Further explanation is that convinces many of its supporters is that as scarcity of natural resources

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Should abortions be legal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Should abortions be legal - Essay Example Many people justify abortion on the basis of the fact that the choice of abortion lies in the hands of the mother but many ethical groups argue against this issue. They present with the fact that abortion is basically the killing of a living being and hence it is morally unjustified. Abortion is an important subject and it may be considered to be legally justified in cases where the life of the mother is at stake and in other extreme cases but abortion with no strong grounds should not be permitted legally. The rise in the population of the world has resulted in the utilization of different methods of contraception. The usage of these methods is to prevent unwanted pregnancies and childbirths. Abortion is also a technique utilized for the avoidance of an unwanted pregnancy. Abortion is defined as the ending of the pregnancy by choice which results in the death of the products of conception (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The procedure of abortion is utilized for different reasons which include family planning, contraception as well as putting a control on the population. A more important purpose of abortion is for saving the pregnant woman from life threatening emergencies that may result if the pregnancy is continued. There are different techniques utilized for carrying out the procedure of abortion. These include the administration of drugs which result in the expulsion of the fetus. The second technique is the surgical intervention whereby abdominal surgery is performed to remove the fetus. The last method is the insertion of surgical instruments through the cervix for removal of the fetus (Willke, 1985). The procedure of abortion is legalized in the United States. Despite of this legalization, the procedure is losing its popularity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, there was a subsequent reduction of a percentage of 3.8 in the ratio of abortion between the years 1999 and 2000 (Elam-Evans et al 2003). Furthermor e, the younger generation has also shown its support for the anti-abortion laws and youths in the United States have expressed of the fact that the procedure of abortion should be legally unjustified until and unless the pregnancy becomes life threatening for the mother. Abortion has been viewed as a negative procedure which tends to lead to the death of a potential life and it is argued to be equivalent to a murder (Hayt, 2003). Thus, the subject of abortion has become an important subject and though it has been legalized, there have been many arguments to reconsider this decision owing to the fact that it yields no good to the society. References Top of Form Elam-Evans, L. D., Strauss, L. T., Herndon, J., Parker, W. Y., Bowens, S. V., Zane, S., Berg, C. J., ... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (January 01, 2003). Abortion surveillance--United States, 2000.Mmwr. Surveillance Summaries : Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Surveillance Summaries / Cdc,  52,  12, 1- 32. Hayt, Elizabeth.(2003, March 30). Surprise, Mom: I'm Against Abortion. The New York Times. Retrieved from: Bottom of Form Part II: Anti-Thesis Abortion is an issue that arose and became a subject central to debates in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century. The Supreme Court of the United States took a final stand on the issue and the procedure of abortion was legalized in the year 1973 following the legal case of Roe v Wade.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Distopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Distopia - Essay Example The fictional stories of dystopia always have a tragic end. A first time dystopian reader who expects regular ending will be surprised by the tragic events in the stories. Writers like Yevgeny Zamyatin, H. G. Wells, Eugene Luther, etc., had written many utopian and dystopian stories. Yevgeny Zamyatin's WE was completed in 1920 and published in English in the year 1924. It's an irony or can be said as totalitarian conditions prevailed in Russia prevented Zamyatin to release his book in his own country until 1952, fifteen years after Zamyatin's death. The book describes how life would be like in a totalitarian state. It also reflects the author's view on Russia, which was governed by communists under the leadership of Stalin. In this dystopian story the world is under a totalitarian state and was called as One State. This One State is controlled under the dictatorship of one who was called as Benefactor. In this world no one has a name, everyone is recognised by his or her identification numbers. Each individual addresses other by his or her number and always work in unison. In One state everything is made of glass including buildings, tools and machinery. There is no privacy for One state's citizens. "Every building is made of this same glass, enabling any behaviour not proscribed by the Table of Hours, the sacred text of the One State, to be easily seen and reported" (Mirra Ginsburg, 1972). In this glass-enclosed city of absolutely straight lines, nameless numbers (individuals are recognised by their designations) - survivors of a devastating war - live out lives devoid of passion and creativity. An individual by the number D-503 also lives the same life as others and is chief builder of the One state's prestigious project called as Integral. Integral is a mega project, which involves in the construction of a spaceship that will be used to explore outer planets and bring them under the leadership of Benefactor. A network of Guardians constantly monitors the activities of One state's citizens. The Guardians responsibility is to check irregular behaviour of an individual. Out of this state is a green jungle where rebels reside and D-503 falls in love with a woman I-330 who works with the rebels. "D-503's rigidly structured life grows in complexity as he meets I-330, a fiercely dominant woman who seduces him, first from his lover O-90, then from his beloved One State" (Mirra Ginsburg, 1972). This new relationship tears his conscience apart and he no longer thinks straight. He becomes so involved with the rebels that he joins them against One state. George Orwell's 1984 is another dystopian story that ends in a tragic note. The story took place in London in the year 1984. The story revolves around the life of Winston who lives in London, which is a part of Oceania. Oceania is one of the three countries that exist in the world; the other two are Eurasia and Eastasia. These three countries are always at war. Oceania is a totalitarian state under the leadership of Big Brother and strict censorship is implemented through out the country. "Winston is disgusted with his oppressed life and secretly longs to join the fabled Brotherhood, a supposed group of underground rebels intent on overthrowing the government" (George Orwell, 1949). Winston falls in love with Julia. Julia hates inner party as much as Winston does. Winston meets a person called O'Brien whom he thinks as a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pharmaceutical industry report in the UK and individual reflection Assignment

Pharmaceutical industry report in the UK and individual reflection - Assignment Example During the process of that transition, a new industry sector prolonged with global scope and opportunity. To support the growth of pharmaceutical sector, there was a big jump in the medicinal chemistry section as well in terms of innovation and development. Due to continuous development and innovation in medical chemistry and other associated parts of the medicine industry; with the invention of more advanced technology to ensure proper detection and treatment of various serious diseases the pharmaceutical industry has rose to its present stature, and continuous support from the governments of various nations with the adaptation of dual roles namely:providing support and encouragement towards medical research and implementing more prominent and strict drug safety and efficacy laws helps the pharmaceutical industry to reach the level in present times. In modern world for the patients across the globe of various ages- the word medicine has taken on new medical roles and value. Earlier people used to take medicine when they used to fall ill or faced any kind of physical hazards. But at present, in the world of modernization people use to depend on medicine/drug to increase their longevity in the world with a more fit and healthy body. Now a day’s people prefer to take medicine not only to cure them but also to remain fit and healthy. With this change in the mindset, the demands for verities of medicine with different objectives have increased many a times. As Daemmrich and Bowden (2005) in their analysis mentioned that â€Å"taking drugs for life has intensified a long-standing hybrid of scientific, emotional, and policy issues around side effects and widespread resentment of companies that profit from drug invention and marketing.† (Daemmrich and Bowden, 2005, p.1) In every part of the world, pharmaceutical industries play a key role in the growth of any

Conceptual Analysis 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Conceptual Analysis 3 - Essay Example Sowa instigates that diagrams are simplified figures that convey intended message in a simple manner without using many words (John, 1984). In his work he describes several diagramming techniques that are very relevant in conveying messages in a simplified manner. There are many diagramming methods including flow charts, entity relationship, data-flow, and object oriented diagrams (John, 1984). This paper will analyze several diagramming techniques. Data-flow technique is a means of representing information or a system regardless of the level involved using symbols that show the flow of data, network of data, data processes and data stores. The main purpose of using data flow technique is to provide a systematic between users and system developers. Using data flow charts has a variety of advantages. The first advantage is that it reduces the amount of words that would have been used in explanation of the intended message. The second advantage is that data flow representation builds a systematic way of disseminating information. It shows the logical sequence of the data being represented. Thirdly, it represents the information in a hierarchical manner, showing every details of a system at any level. Fourthly, it is user friendly in that it allows users to understand the information being represented and gives the user an opportunity for review. They are diagrams used in object oriented models. They help in definition of machines that have a number of states. These machines receive events from external environment and the events drive the machine in rotation from one state to the other. This kind of diagramming technique helps in giving the explicit definition of a machine and its behavior. One feature that makes this technique unique is its ability to generalize states. This ability allows the factoring of common transitions. State models are suitable when describing

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development Essay Example for Free

The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development Essay European Journal of Business and ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)Vol 4, No.8, 2012 100 and support services to accelerate the development and modernisation of MSMEs, SMEDAN badly needed to have acomprehensive understanding and knowledge of the population of MSMEs in the country, their distribution bysectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, services, trade, construction, mining, technology, etc, and their distribution by rural and urban areas as well as the level of vertical and horizontal linkages within and betweenvarious sectors of industry so as to access the level of industrial integration and the incidence of sub-contracting andits potential in giving a flip to industrial development. The census/survey will also enable SMEDAN to determine and assess the major operating difficulties of MSMEsrelating to both market functions (such as demand-pricing factors, supply factors, raw materials, technologyinfrastructure, etc) and policy environment as it relates to regulatory, incentive and support regimes. The overall benefits of the census/survey would hinge on the expected robust data and information, which SMEDAN wouldemploy as a basis for policy formulation, implementation and intervention, effective developmental planning, vitaladvice on new investments, grow and profitable areas, raw materials availability as well as available technology,available markets, available sources of funds and assistance.The survey exercise is also expected to adequately equip and empower SMEDAN to effectively do the following,inter alia:i. Map out effective strategies for revamping and reforming the MSMEs sub-sector through appropriatelyadvising the government on policy formulation and execution.ii. Recommend the right operators for various incentives and support by government including funding, be itloan, equity and grants.iii. Offer relevant advisory services to state governments on how best to support and invigorate MSMEs in their domains bearing their peculiarities and circumstances in mind.iv. Ide ntify viable projects for both local and foreign investors in order to attract foreign investment.v. Identify viable projects with export potentials and also identify and advise on the appropriate foreignmarkets in order to boost foreign exchange Identify and assess MSMEs critical requirements in the areas of capacity building, skills gap, knowledge,skills and process and liaise with the relevant institutions and agencies of government like the National PovertyEradication Programme (NAPEP), the Centre for Management Development (CMD), the National Directorate of Employment (NDE), etc.vii. Establish a befitting business support centre for each state in the federation.viii. Facilitate the promotion and government patronage of quality local products of MSMEs for either localconsumption or export or both. 4.1 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN INDIA’S SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES (SSIs) ANDNIGERIA’S SMEs The magnitude of contributions as well as the impact of SSIs on the economic growth and development of India ishighly significant as evidenced by the following figures. The SSIs represent ninety-five percent (95%) of the totalindustrial units in India, contribute forty-five percent (45%) of the total industrial output, account for eighty percent(80%) of all employment in the industrial sector, and contribute thirty-five percent (35%) each of total exports andvalue-added by the entire manufacturing sector respectively in India. Between 1990 and 1991, SSI real growth inIndia recorded between a low of 7.1% in 1993/94 and a high of 11.3% in 1996/97.As a result of commitment and focus on SSIs and driven by their all important role in the economic development, thegovernment of India had as far back as in 1948 put in place, an effective and efficient industrial policy for developing SSIs such that by the year 2000, India had three (3) million SSIs with a production value of US$110billion, export volume of US$ 10billion and staff strength or employment figure of eighteen (18) million. Eventhough SMEs‟ performance in Nigeria shows that technology and fiscal incentives had made little positive impact onthe sub-sector given the obvious lapses in implementation modalities as well as the constraining policy andinfrastructural environment, recent estimates have put the contribution of SMEs to total industrial employment in Nigeria at seventy percent (70%) and to total manufacturing output at 10 – 15 percent. SMEs in Nigeria have beenquite active in promoting the use of local raw materials with many of them also engaged in the processing of localinputs into either intermediate or final products especially agro-allied and solid minerals products. Many SMEs havealso successfully adopted imported plant and machinery for local use and thus positioning themselves as veritable European Journal of Business and ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)Vol 4, No.8, 2012 101 tools for promoting technical expertise and development of indigenous entrepreneurship. The Nigerian SMEs aremostly resource-based and dispersed throughout the country (in urban, suburban and rural areas) and hence have tosome extent, facilitated the opening up of the rural areas, mitigated rural-urban drift, and significantly contributed to poverty alleviation.The following represent a brief comparison between Nigeria‟s SMEs and India‟s SSIs:i. Definition†¢ Nigeria‟s SMEs cover enterprises with total cost of N20million excluding land and total employees of between 10and 300 people†¢ India‟s SSIs are defined as units in the manufacturing, processing or preservation of goods with investment in plantand machinery not exceeding Rupees 10million ($210,000).The difference here hinges on the fact that India has no provision for mediu m scale enterprises; their focus is on thereal sector thus excluding trading and services. (ii) Credit Dispensation:†¢ In Nigeria, there are universal banks, development banks, and other special institutions, which provide credit butnot at subsidized rates.†¢ In India, there is a multi-agency system for credit flows; term loans are provided by term lending institutions andworking capital is provided by commercial banks.(iii) Funding Arrangements:†¢ In Nigeria, no minimum quantum of credits to SMEs is mandatory anymore. In the past, a percentage of totalcredits used to be mandatory for SMEs. However, 10% of banks‟ annual Profit Before Tax (PBT) is mandatory for equity investment in SMEs under the SMIEIS program.†¢ In India, 40% of total advances go to the priority sector, and 60% of net bank credit to the priority sector goes toSSIs.(iv) Management of funds invested in SMEs/SSIs:†¢ In Nigeria, the funds can be managed directly, or through a subsidiary or through a venture capital manager.†¢ In India, the credits to SSIs are driven need-ba sed limits on liberal terms with level and profitability as key factorsand not linked to security or collateral. Flexibility is the watchword with each activity assessed on its own merit.(v) Structure of BusinessesIn Nigeria, an SME must be a limited liability company†¢ In India, an SSI could be a limited liability company, or a partnership or a proprietary firm.(vi) Incentives and support to the SME/SSI sector:†¢ In Nigeria, it is mandatory for banks to set aside 10% of their annual profit before tax in support of SMEs. TheBank of Industry (BOI) is expected to provide credits to SMEs but not on soft lending rates. It is only the NigerianExport Import Bank (NEXIM) that provides soft loans to export oriented SMEs.†¢ In India, the incentive and support schemes available to SSIs are much more elaborate and include official generaland organisational support as well as support by other agencies. The nature and levels of key incentives and supportinclude but are not limited to the following:From the above, one can categorically affirm that the incentives and support given to SSIs by the government of India are quite wholesome and formidable. The package of support and incentives provided by the government of Nigeria can in fact, be said to be insignificant when compared with those of India. It is thus less surprising, thedevelopment gap between the SSIs of India and the Nigerian SME sub-sectors and hence the significant role SSIs are playing in the economic growth and development of India. The continuous reinforcement of incentives and support European Journal of Business and ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)Vol 4, No.8, 2012 102 to SSIs by the government of India underscores the high degree of appreciation of the importance of the SSIsubsector to the future of the Indian economy.In Nigeria, there are relatively few SMEs in the formal sector and many more in the informal sector. TheInternational Labour Organisation (ILO) has attempted to make some estimates of the contributions made to theeconomy by SMEs, including the informal sector, and believes that they account for over 60 percent of economicactivities and over 35 percent of urban employment 4.2 RESEARCH DESIGN The research design approach adopted in this work is the survey research technique. The survey approach appeared best suited for this work since it is not feasible to interview the entire population. Furthermore, in surveys, there arefixed sets of questions, and responses are systematically classified, so that quantitative comparisons can be made.The sources of primary data were through questionnaires that were administered to the SMEs owner-manager andoral interview held with them. Secondary data were gathered from earlier research work and studies that have beendone. METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS Appropriate descriptive statistical techniques such as frequency distribution and simple percentages were used tocharacterize the responses. The use of percentages analysis enables the figures in the research work which were inabsolute terms to be converted to real terms. The statistical tool facilitated the comparism of figures and standardizesdata, thereby reducing the difficulty of comparing non standardized figures. It uses 100 as its base.An in-depth examination of the responses revealed that SMEs involved in manufacturing/assembling ventures rated poor infrastructure as their greatest challenge. Worst among the infrastructural problems facing the SMEs relates toelectrical energy supply, which is rather hydra-headed. In some cases it is nonexistence in which case theentrepreneur has to provide his own energy supply. In other cases it is either epileptic in supply with incessantoutages with the attendant damages to equipment or the voltage supplied is too low as to support the plant andmachinery in use for the respective operation. The increase in production cost emanating from inadequate electric power supply to SMEs is said to be enormous. These costs relate to loss in output due to down time as a result of power outages, cost of fixing damaged equipment resulting from outages, poor quality of products as a result of bumpy production process, the high cost of fuel to operate own generating plants, costs of maintaining and servicingthese generating sets. Respondents regretted the frustration they encounter daily from power outages adding that the plant and equipment they use, especially the locally fabricated ones, can hardly absorb the shocks they are routinelysubjected to. FINDINGS SMEs have been fully recognized by governments and development experts as the main engine of economic growthand a major factor in promoting private sector development and partnership. The development of the SME sector therefore represents an essential element in the growth strategy of most economies and holds particular significancein the case of Nigeria. SMEs not only contribute significantly to improved living standards, employment generationand poverty reduction but they also bring about substantial domestic or local capital formation and achieve highlevels of productivity and capability. From a planning standpoint, SMEs are increasingly recognized as the principalmeans for achieving equitable and sustainable industrial diversification, growth and dispersal. In most countries,including the developed countries like Japan, USA, UK, etc, SMEs account for well over half of the total share of employment, sales, value added and hence contribution to GDP.A major gap in Nigeria‟s industrial development process in the past years has been the absence of a strong and virileSME sub-sector. With over 120 million people, vast productive and arable farmland, rich variety of mineral depositsand other natural resources, Nigeria should have been a haven for SMEs. Unfortunately, SMEs have not played thesignificant and crucial role they are expected to play in Nigeria‟s economic growth, development andindustrialization.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Situation Of Mcdonalds KFC

Situation Of Mcdonalds KFC McDonalds is one of the best international retailers in providing fast food services to its customers. Providing world class fast-food in more than 100 countries is the core idea of McDonalds. McDonalds provide its services in whole of the world. Mc Donalds are local and independent franchisee which is owned and operated globally. In the globally popular restaurant industry in approximately all the countries where it is operating its services McDonalds holds a major part of the share. COMPANY B : KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken is called as KFC. It is a fast food restaurant chain whose headquarteres is in Louisville, Kentucky, United States, which specializes in fried chicken and even in burgers and wraps. KFC secondz over Mcdonalds as an American icon, it is the the worlds largest fried chicken chain and the second largest restaurant chain, with over 17,000 outlets in 105 countries and territories. Founder of KFC is Harland Sanders, who began to sell fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky during the Great Depression. The pioneer of the restaurant Sanders is the one who brought in franchising concept, with the first Kentucky Fried Chicken, the franchise opening in Utah in the early 1950s. Its rapid development saw it grow too large for Sanders to handle, and he slowly sold the company to a group of investors. Even after that also Sanders image was still used for branding; Sanders had been made a Kentucky colonel after the success of his first restaurant, and he worked as a goodwill representative for the company until in a while before his death. KFC had mixed success in 1970s and 1980s at home as it went through a series of corporate owners who had little or no familiarity in the restaurant business, although it continued to expand in overseas markets. KFC was sold to the spirits firm Heublein in the early 1970s, who were taken over by the R.J. Reynolds corporation, who sold the chain to PepsiCo. PepsiCo transformed its restaurants division by also including Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, as Tricon Global Restaurants, which was later called as Yum! Brands. The chain primarily sells fried chicken pieces and variations such as wraps,chicken burgers and starters, as well French fries,coleslaw, desserts and other soft drinks, often supplied by PepsiCo. Its most famous product is fried chicken pieces, seasoned with Sanders 11 herbs and spices Original Recipe. The precise nature of these ingredients are unknown, and represent a remarkable trade secret has been kept on this delicious recipe. The famous slogan for KFC is finger lickin good, which has later been replaced by So good, and Nobody does chicken like KFC. China and US,its home country together contain around half of its outlets which are KFCs two major single markets. INTRODUCTION OF LEADERS COMPANY A: JIM SKINNER James Alan Skinner was born 1944 in Illinois. He is an American business executive. He was the Vice Chairman and CEO of McDonalds Corporation. Skinner began his career with McDonalds in 1971 as a restaurant manager trainee in Carpentersville, Illinois. Skinner graduated high school in 1962 at West High School in Davenport, Iowa,[2] he went on to start serving nearly ten years in the United States Navy, Skinner began his career with McDonalds as a restaurant manager trainee in Carpentersville, Illinois in 1971, and since then has held numerous leadership positions. He never graduated from college.[3] He started out like so many other teenagers, working as an entry-level crew person at the old McDonalds on Brady Street in Davenport.[4] Prior to becoming CEO, Skinner was President and Chief Operating Officer of the McDonalds Restaurant Group with corporate management responsibility for Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA), and Latin America. Prior to that, he was responsible for McDonald s Japan Limited, their second-largest market. Skinner held numerous positions in the U.S. Corporation, including Director of Field Operations, Market Manager, Regional Vice President and U.S. Senior Vice President and Zone Manager. LINK: COMPANY B: ROGER EATON Born in South Africa, Eaton moved to Australia in 1984.[2] Prior to becoming President and Chief Concept Officer of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), he was Senior Vice President/Managing Director of YUM! Restaurants International South Pacific from 2000 to 2008.[1] In April 2009, he appeared in an American commercial promoting the introduction of Kentucky Grilled Chicken to the KFC menu.[3] In May 2009, he appeared again in an American commercial to announce the ending of the free Kentucky Grilled Chicken that was promoted earlier. Due to overwhelming success, the company could not afford to honor the coupons, and Eaton had to announce later compensation for the coupons.[4] Roger Eaton became President of KFC Corporation in early 2008. Eaton is an international restaurant industry veteran and has been with Yum! Brands for 12 years. Prior to taking on the top job at KFC, Roger was Chief Operating and Development Officer for Yum! Since 2000, he has served as Senior Vice President/Managing Director of Yum! Restaurants International South Pacific (SOPAC). Earlier in his career, Eaton was Regional Operations Director of KFC SOPAC, General Manager of KFC New Zealand and Finance Director of KFC SOPAC. Under his leadership, SOPAC has had 27 consecutive quarters of profitable same store sales growth, as well as a consistent above target new restaurant builds. Roger Eaton serves as Yum! Chief Operations Officer, a position he has held since late 2011. Roger has also served as Chief Executive Officer of KFC U.S. after serving as President of KFC Corporation. Eaton is an international restaurant industry veteran and has been with Yum! Brands for 12 years. Prior to his roles at KFC U.S., Roger was Chief Operating and Development Officer for Yum! Brands. He has also served as Senior Vice President/Managing Director of Yum! Restaurants International South Pacific (SOPAC). Earlier in his career, Eaton was Regional Operations Director of KFC SOPAC, General Manager of KFC New Zealand and Finance Director of KFC SOPAC. Under his leadership, SOPAC had 27 consecutive quarters of profitable same store sales growth, as well as consistent above target new restaurant builds. CURRENT SITUATION OF THE COMPANYS COMPANY A: MCDONALDS first paragraph COMPANY B: KFC first paragraph meaning of a leader: A leader is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. LEADERSHIP IN COMPANY COMPANY A: MCDONALDS Truly a charismatic and transformational leader, many attribute McDonalds turn-around in the past few years to the efforts of Skinner; not only did he revitalize the organization, but he reinvented the fast food business with a new vision and direction (Hume, 2007). Early in the turn-around, he was one of the architects of the Plan to Win initiative which renewed McDonalds core focus of store operations. His election to the CEO post provided some stability and faith for the organization. Hume notes that one of the key elements to his success was his vast experience with overseas markets that gave him great diversity exposure which was crucial for the global corporation. This diversity has definitely helped giving McDonalds a competitive advantage, and was paramount in the global communication between employees and customers (Daft, 2008, p. 334). One of his noted achievements during his tenure in regards to leadership was fighting the McJob stigma; he made employees feel important and began to promote the various positions in a brighter light through advertising campaigns (Hume, 2007). In terms of Mr. Skinners philosophy, he is primarily focused on customer satisfaction. He believes that is necessary to first meet customer expectations and then focus on the restaurants themselves. The philosophy also includes keeping things simple and manageable for each store while making sure that everyone is aligned around that one idea. The idea is directed towards making a good appearance, caring about how the restaurant looks and how you present yourself. Another important aspect of his philosophy is the fear of complacency. Therefore, he encourages creativity, but also wants to make sure that people do not lose track of the chains primary objectives (Hume, 2007). Thus, there is a strong focus on coming up with good, creative strategies, and then putting the full effort into successful execution. For Mr. Skinner, a companywide initiative is always a must, and never a maybe. Skinner is also a man of values and ethics: When McDonalds was blamed for the obesity problem, he helpe d direct the company to take responsibility and help create a solution rather than pass the blame. Thus, Skinner can be seen as a moral leader and symbol of doing the right thing for McDonalds (Daft, 2008, p. 169). Finally, one of Skinners continuing main goals is talent management and leadership development (Hume, 2007). This involves critical tasks such as reorganizing individuals into different roles and identifying potential leaders to be awarded additional responsibility. While many of the Mr. Skinners values are not easily discernable on surface, his leadership was seen at the restaurants observed. The care regarding customer satisfaction was most obvious, employees were always polite and the restaurant was very clean. During some observations, employees were seen talking with regular customers beyond the normal service interactions, demonstrating some level of intimacy between them. In addition, almost all employees seemed well mannered and presented themselves well. There seemed to be a high level of morale, even with the more menial and custodial positions, which was unexpected in a fast food restaurant. In many of the locations visited, there were employee recruitment signs on the door that listed benefits; however, the application process was online. While more efficient, perhaps a stronger focus on in-person recruitment would help improving morale and result in more applications. Improving Employee Effectiveness One may initially believe that there is not really much that can or even needs to be done in order to improve efficiency in McDonalds restaurants; however, good leadership involves constantly reinforcing a brighter vision of the future and increasing value for both customers and employees. An employee should not think that just because they cook fries or flip burgers, that they cannot make a difference. Rather, by encouraging creativity and leadership even at this lowest level, the next great executive may emerge. It is important to turn each restaurants employee into a productive team member. In order to increase productivity and employee commitment, we propose several measures. The first measure would be to create a program to encourage creativity among restaurant managers, owners, and operators. In fact, the iconic Ronald McDonald was not developed by Ray Kroc or anyone at corporate, but by the owner of a local franchise (Walker Scott). Rewards should be available for coming up w ith new ideas at the restaurant level. As owners and managers are the ones who are actively involved with the day-to-day operations, they have a greater vantage point for implementing successful changes. In order for such a program to be successful, there must first be some educational programs like workshops. At the regional level, managers and owners can be brought together and taught about creative ideas. This will encourage thinking outside of the box, and furthermore can introduce individuals to the practice of creative swiping, which is a process of copying the best ideas whether they be from within your industry or from completely unrelated fields (Peters, 1987). After properly motivating the owners and managers, there should be a trickledown effect to the restaurants employees. In addition to the trickledown effect of targeting the managers, we would take steps to directly motivate individual employees as well. On this front, one of the first steps is to truly understand each and every employee. Some employees may only be working at McDonalds temporarily, but for others this may be the only available job opportunity. For such individuals, they want to maximize their job satisfaction. We would implement a program similar to those in large corporations where employees are able to set specific goals and explain their rationale for working at McDonalds and what they expect from their employment. This process would show employees that they can do more than flip burgers, for example develop leadership and management skills which can be invaluable regardless of future career plans. Managers and/or owners would apply Vrooms Expectancy Theory in this case; the attention and treatment of each employee should be personalized (Daft, 2008, p. 235). Managers would theref ore develop a plan with each employee to increase his intrinsic satisfaction, while at the same time increasing that employees productivity. Building on our focus on individuals, we would also implement a scholarship and education program. We want our employees to represent us well within our restaurants and throughout the world. We would offer high school and college aged employees a greater number of college scholarship opportunities in return for quality work and demonstration of leadership potential. Younger workers are often harder to motivate directly, but the opportunity to have someone else paying for your education is always a great motivator. The program would reward quality work such as customer service and punctuality, as well as creativity and the ability to dream like a leader. Employees must be sponsored by a manager or owner and would have to write an essay answering a question that instigates them to think creatively about how we as a corporation could improve. This would motivate even the youngest and most inexperienced ones. In fact, this could create an upstream effect on the whole restaurant or corpor ation, increase team cohesiveness and help encouraging those who are older or in higher positions to also think about making the entire organization better (Daft, 2008, p. 239). The winners would make a positive impact on the organization and earn the extrinsic reward of a scholarship. In subsequent years, this would encourage other young employees to also pursue this opportunity, be a first-class worker and think creatively about the organization. COMPANY B: KFC

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Rhetoric of Reggae in Artful Cinema for the World :: Reggae Jamaican Music Film Essays

The Rhetoric of Reggae in Artful Cinema for the World Perry Henzel's The Harder They Come is credited with a significant and unique role in introducing American audiences to reggae. Whereas earlier cinematic crossmarketed films like A Hard Days Night or Help! were adjunct to and dependent on a group's previous commercial musical success, Henzel's film was for many an introduction to reggae and both precursor and impetus for its international impact and commercial popularity. The film's status as a cult classic and phenomenon, to the extent a phenomenon can be explained, perhaps rests on its lack of commercial pretentions or promotional glitz, and thus its authenticity. The rhetoric of this film -- its images, words, and music in complementary array -- is rhetoric in the best sense because it uses the power of language to reveal, not to disguise, the unconscionable constraints on the lives of poor Jamaicans. Principally it's a film by a Jamaican artist about some musically and culturally significant events happening in Jamaica at the time, and though it is formulaic as films tend to be, it also encompasses all of the majors themes and conflicts that define and swirl around reggae music: spirituality, sensuality, commercialism, social justice, the messiah, and even Armageddon, though its tenor is decidedly secular The genius of the film is that it synthesizes a multitude of cultural and musical elements and still manages to function rhetorically on separate but parallel levels of communication. The fundamental message for Jamaican audiences was to document, authenticate, and value the Jamaican reality. As Henzel notes in his running commentary, a special feature of the DVD, Jamaicans cheered the film's opening scenes wildly, simply because they recognized themselves and their world in a powerful global medium that had paid them no mind until then. "There is no thrill in moviedom like people seeing themselves on the screen for the first time." The experience and the legacy of colonialism accustoms people who suffer it to literature and film that depicts the lives and perspectives of the colonizers, not the colonized. As Jamaica Kincaid explains in a memoir of a Carribean childhood, all of her reading was from books set in England. Her land and its people were not worthy of literary attenti on. While finally getting such cinematic attention is a joyful, liberating, and affirming interaction for the Jamaican audience, it has an ironic dimension too in that the downpressed are joyous because at last they see themselves if not through the downpressor's lens, at least on his screen.

Anne Bradstreet Essay -- essays papers

Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet was a woman in conflict. She was a Puritan wife and a poet. There is a conflict between Puritan theology and her own personal feelings on life. Many of her poems reveal her eternal conflict regarding her emotions and the beliefs of her religion. The two often stood in direct opposition to each other. Her Puritan faith demanded that she seek salvation and the promises of Heaven. However, Bradstreet felt more strongly about her life on Earth. She was very. She was very attached to her family and community. Bradstreet loved her life and the Earth. There are several poems of Bradstreet that demonstrate this conflict. There is â€Å"Upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666† and the ones written on the deaths of her grandchildren. These are both examples of her feelings about life on Earth and her religious beliefs. In the critical essay of Robert D. Richardson Jr., he examines the poem â€Å"Upon the Burning of Our House† from a conventional Puritan point of view, â€Å"an exercise in finding the hand of God behind every apparent disaster. Yet, the poem moves back and forth from the human level to the divine, and it is not impossible to argue that the human level – fear of fire, the sense of loss is what genuinely moves the poet, while her submission to the will of God is somewhat forced acknowledgment of an arrangement that is not really satisfactory.†(105) And when I could no longer look, I blest his Name that gone and took, That layd my goods now in the dust: Yea so it was, and twas just. It was his own: It was not mine; Far be it that I should repine. (311) These lines of submission are clipped and measured, grimly singsong: they sound forced when placed alongside the following lines which emphasize personal loss. (Richardson 105)Here stood that Trunk, and there that chest There lay that store I counted best: My pleasant things in ashes lye. Anne uses the proper application, interpreting the event as a warning, and as an injunction to look toward the â€Å"house on high erect.† But the vacillation in the poem suggests that the sense of loss outweighs, at least at times, the potential comfort promised by Puritan theology. (Richardson 106) In the critical essay by Ann Standford, â€Å"Anne Bradstreet Dogmatist and Rebel,† she tells us that Anne Bradstreet â€Å"comforts herself with good Pur... ... she used her poetry. She was able to do this in a subtle way. Yet she expressed her feelings and her questioning about Puritan theology. Were her conflicts ever fully quieted within her? There is some evidence that towards the end of her life she was able to accept her fate. Anne Bradstreet died on September 16, 1672 at the age of sixty. She was very ill in the last months of her life. Her works reflect the tension and conflict of a woman struggling for artistic expression. She was troubled by religious doubts throughout her life yet managed to be a successful mother and wife. Her belief in the beauty of this world helped her maintain a belief in a heaven. Bibliography: Martin,Wendy. An American Triptych. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1984. Richardson Jr., Robert D. â€Å"The Puritan Poetry of Anne Bradstreet† Critical Essays on Anne Bradstreet. Ed Pattie Cowell and Ann Stanford. Boston: Hall 1983. 101 – 115. Stanford, Ann. â€Å"Anne Bradstreet Dogmatist and Rebel† Critical Essays on Anne Bradstreet. Ed Pattie Cowell and Ann Stanford. Boston: Hall 1983. 76 – 88.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Blogs are Here to Stay Essay -- Blog Blogs Blogging Weblog Web Log

Blogs: Fad or Here To Stay? The question is, are blogs here to stay or are they just a fad? To answer this question, one must understand what a blog is exactly. There are many definitions for a blog. One source defines blog simply as â€Å"an online Journal (Glossary of Terms).† That is one of the less complex definitions. Another source wrote â€Å"Contraction from the term Web Log. This is an online diary or journal which is published and shared with others on the web by an individual, who is known as a ‘blogger’. Blogging has now become a very popular publishing method on the web as the software does not require any technical knowledge to use and this has the potential to move into the corporate world soon (Alba).† Basically anyone who wants to can create a blog. Bloggers can write about almost anything in their blog, but they usually are about personal life. They also write about world issues, their feelings on a topic, and now even various corporations use t hem to advertise their companies. Although a lot of people use blogs, some these days, are anti-bloggers. These people refuse to set up a blog for their own personal life because they feel it is corny. They find it too computer nerdy and think it is another thing for dorks to get addicted to. They are very wrong because many people of all ages and types create blogs online. I myself don’t have my own blog set up, but am not out to make fun of those who do. Besides the simple blog that most users set up to share their personal thoughts and experiences, companies now put them on their websites to create more revenue. There are actually seminars out there that help business owners create a blog and reasons why they should have one. ... ...tay and that is a fact. Those who hate blogs will have to get used to it. Works Cited Alba, Rosetta. Webmentor Glossary. April 25, 2005. Blogging is Here to Stay, According to Survey. March 28, 2004. April 25, 2005. Coggins, Sheila. Who Reads Blogs? April 25, 2005. Glossary of Terms. April 24, 2005. Moffatt, Brian. Why Do We Blog? November 30, 2004. April 24, 2005. ROI Of Business Blogging. WordBiz Report. April 24, 2005.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

An Report On Darlie Toothpaste’ S Integrated Marketing

1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 AuthorizationThe CEO of the Haolai Company requested this report on 16, May. The purpose of this report is to provide an analysis of Darlie toothpaste’s current marketing situation and integrated marketing communication program (IMC). It aims to create a new promotional tool to for the target market.1. 2 LimitationsThere’re some limitations in the production of the report. To begin with, there’s not much information about the Darlie’s company can be found in the web. I just can find the Haolai Company is a chemical industry company.Besides, there is also not much information about the Darlie toothpaste in some authority business magazines and books. Sometimes, I just make a realistic assumption. 1. 3 Scope The scope of the report limited to integrated marketing communication in five areas: the current marketing situation analysis, the used IMC program analysis, the IMC plans will be developed, media plan and some recommendations for the Darlie toothpaste.2.0 BACKGROUND2.1 About the companyDarlie is a brand of the world's best oral care products manufacturer which is named Haolai chemical industry. In the 1930, the recipe of Darlie was developed.At the beginning, Darlie’s production and operation is in the Kowloon, Hong Kong. In 1997, Darlie transferred all the toothpaste products from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland. Today, the Darlie has become one of the best-selling brands in toothpaste market in China and south Asia.2. 2 About DarlieThe main products of Darlie are toothpaste and toothbrush. The concept of Darlie is healthy white teeth and pure fresh breath makes you every day full of confident smile. Darlieh has different kinds of toothpaste according to different effects too satisfy the different needs of consumers.It has four Series: fresh breath, teeth whitening, anti-sensitivity and for children.2. 3 Competitor analysisIn the current toothpaste market, it exits many competitors such as: Crest, Col gate, China, bamboo salt, Amway and so on. Analyzing Crest, it is one brand of Procter & Gamble which was born in 1955. It's famous for excellent high-decay toothpaste. And it is the first to be recognized by the world authority on oral-organization – the American Dental Association (ADA) decay toothpaste. Compare with Darlie, Crest's market share occupy all over the world not just Asia.In June 1996, Crest came to China and after one year, it has already been known by everybody in China. The brand concept of Crest is: ‘keep your smile healthy and beautiful ‘. There are two types of Crest toothpaste: series of healthy and series of whitening. Besides, every type of Crest has different products. For toothpaste, Crest has the similar benefits with Darlie such whitening, fresh breath and so on. But the most famous benefit of Crest toothpaste is preventing tooth decay and protecting tooth effectively. About Crest' s promotion, advertisement on television and internet a re the main ways.But crest has advantages of Darlie, because crest's advertisement is high-frequency.2.4 Target marketThe toothpaste market can be segment into different parts on the basis of geographic, demographic, psychologic and behavior variables. According to Hawkins, Mothersbaugh & Best (2007, p16): ‘Perhaps the most important marketing decision is a firm makes is the selection of one or more market segments on which to focus. ’ Firstly, Darlie toothpaste is in consumers’ good graces in Southeast Asia because of its advanced technology and unique recipe of product.Besides, it is popular in coastland of Guangdong province. On the side of demographic, there are not many people know the brand name and features of Darlie In addition, females will pay more attention on choosing toothpaste than males. In terms of psychological, consumers’ individuation demand is increasing with the development of economy and technology. In other words, consumers pursue ne w feelings, health, white, nature and useful in the modern society. Moreover, young consumers prefer to the multi-functional toothpaste which can provide special feelings like tea fragrance.From the perspective of behavioral, toothpastes are necessary products in people’s daily life and consumers will buy toothpastes routinely. Besides, young consumers will choose the new products and abroad brands because of their individuation demand. Furthermore, spinsterhood will buy fewer products once than married people and promotion methods affect consumers heavily. In this report, the target market focus on the consumers who like the tea fragrance and want to fresh breath.2. 5 The Darlie toothpaste's positioning strategyThere are five competitive advantages for Darlie. Firstly, it has a good management system. Darlie encourages its employees to innovate with a reasonable remuneration and reward. It can motivate the employees to work out the new technology to enrich the products. Seco ndly, Darlie is good at research and development. As the needs of consumers are changing quickly, so it often makes the change of products like in quality, style and shape, and it continue to introduce new products to meet customer needs. In addition, Darlie has a strong channel advantage.It not only has distribution channels and end-channels, but also has a geographic strategy, so that it can sale the products through different ways in different areas. Besides, quality service is another strength for Darlie. The good service will shorten the checkout process and satisfy the consumers’ needs, and then makes the customers have a good memory to the products. Last but not the least, freshen breath is Darlie’s important characteristic. Many people think that freshen breath is an important function of toothpaste (2011).The main function of Darlie toothpaste is breath fresh, so that it will have a fixed group customer.3.0 IMC PROGRAM3. 1 The promotional elements mixThere are six elements in IMC mix: advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity, internet marketing and direct marketing. Darlie uses three elements of promotional mix in current market, which is advertising, sales promotion and internet/interactive marketing. Firstly, advertising is Darlie's main way of promotion. It uses mass media such as TV, radio, magazine, newspapers to attract consumers. The most important promotional tool of Darile is TV advertisements.Darile input much money in inviting stars as its spokesperson. Besides, it also spends a lot of money on broadcasting TV advertising. For Darile, advertising is a valuable tool for targeting mass consumer market. Secondly, in the promotional mix is sales promotion. Darile also has two major categories: consumer-oriented and trade-oriented activities. In supermarket, businessmen always use coupons, samples, premiums, rebates, contests to stimulate short-term sales. And in the current, Darile has many different selling ways such as wholesalers, distribution, and retailers.The third variable in the promotional mix is interactive/ internet marketing, which changes by the development of technology. For Darile, in traditional market, consumers only get information from advertising and buy toothpastes and toothbrush in supermarket and stores. But now Darile advertise their products on the websites. Consumers can purchase the products on the Internet or by the telephone. Then the products can be de lived to your home directly. Besides, if the consumers have some inquiries or questions, they can call the customer service Hartline or in online message.The interactive/internet marketing brings many advantages to Darlie's promotion.3. 2 The low-involvement hierarchyAs toothpaste is usually used in people’s daily life, so Darlie is belonging to the low-involvement hierarchy of customer response process. The sequence of low-involvement hierarchy is learn-do feel. It means that the involvement in buying Darl ie is low and the customers are viewed as passing from cognition to behavior to attitude.3. 3 IMC objectivesDarile has three promotional mix elements are being used for IMC objectives based on the response process.As Mothersbaugh & Best (2007, p 8) explans:'Integrate marketing communications involves coordinating the various promotional elements and other marketing activities that communicate with a firm's customers. ‘ At first, advertising is a valuable tool for building brand equity. Darile’s advertising transfer the name, logo, symbols, design, packaging and performance to consumers. Because Darile is low-involvement hierarchy of customer response process, it needs faithful relationship to repeat purchase. Secondly, sales promotion is a shift marketplace power from manufacturers to retailers.People can buy Darlie's products in local retails such as Wal-Mart. And the retailers have more promotional tools than manufacturers to sell. Thirdly,The business of Darlie chang e from traditional market to Internet with the rapid growth of technology. Besides, traditional media advertising in TV or broadcast is replaced by internet advertising.4. 0 DEVELP THE IMC PLAN4. 1 New promotional toolPersonal selling is as a new promotional tool for Darlie toothpaste. Unlike advertising, personal selling is face-to-face communication between buyers and sellers.In this report, the target consumers of Darlie is people who like tea aroma and want to fresh breath. The Personal contact in selling focuses more on consumers’ specific need or situation than other promotional tools. Sellers can communicate with the target consumers through telephone, QQ, MSN and email to know their needs and give services. It is more flexible and convenient. Besides, Personal selling also is good to get feedback to modify the types of products according to different needs. For example, if the person has Gums bleeding, sell g the Anti-allergic Darlie toothpaste.And in this way, it can build loyal customer relationships and Brand loyalty.4. 2 Major selling ideaDarlie’s ideal market share occupy overall all the ages of the consumers. But In current intense toothpaste competitive market in China, it is impossible. Comparing with the other competitor such as Crest, Amway, China, the central theme of Darlie toothpaste is ‘fresh breath’. And the target market is the person who like tea aroma. Before selling, sellers can make a questionnaire for analyzing the toothpaste market. Darcie can develop specific taste and efficacy of toothpaste, according to the customer's dental health and taste preferences.And the seller s also needs to provide good after-sales service for audiences. They can send some new samples; tell them some knowledge to protect teeth, and how to brush teeth correctly.5. 0 GREATIVE STRATEGY5. 1 Implementation of the creative strategyThe creative strategy including: advertising appeal, execution style, creative tactics, and media veh icle can be used in development and implementation of an advertising message. Advertising appeal has two categories: information/rational appeals and emotional appeals.In order to emphasize the Darlie toothpaste’s feature of fresh breath and transfer the fragrance of tea of Darlie toothpaste to the consumers, information/rational appeal of advertisement is better. Using the advertising appeal, people will know more about Darlie toothpaste not only the brand name but also the specific feature. The creative execution style of the Darlie toothpaste is direct and concise. When people see the advertisement at first glance, they can recognize the brand of the Darlie toothpaste. And it is also beautiful, which make people feel fresh and cool. Creative tactics is used to design the actual advertisement.It has two different types: for print advertising and for television. In this report, the picture is designed for print advertising. Firstly, the background of the print is Danas. And in spring morning, fog around the Danas, which makes people feel fresh. Secondly, it uses the direct headlines, ‘Daile toothpaste, and the fragrance of tea’. It is in the top of the print, which is not very big. As Mothersbaugh & Best (2007, p 311):' they are often more effective at attracting reads’ attention and interest because they provoke curiosity and lure readers into the body copy to learn an answer or get explanation. On the left of the words, it is a small teapot. And on the right, it is a new design Darile toothpaste.The Chinese ‘cha xiang’ and English words ‘the fragrance of tea’ print on the body of the toothpaste. It also has the symbol of Darlie, a head portrait. Secondly, in this print, the body copy is the main point. The picture shows that a toothbrush sends out a ray of tea aroma. And the most important is that the tea aroma uses a figure of teapot. And in the teapot, it prints One Chinese word‘cha‘which is written by Chinese style. This advertisement can be used to two media vehicles, the print media and the support media.Magazines and newspapers are two types of the print media. And there are many types of the support media, like outdoor advertising, aerial advertising, transit advertising, promotional products, and yellow pages advertising and so on. The designed picture can be enlarged or narrowed according to different sizes.5. 2 Evaluation of the creative strategyIn this report, the target consumers of Darlie is people who like tea aroma and want to fresh breath. And Darlie toothpaste is belonging to the low-involvement hierarchy of customer response process.It means that the involvement in buying Darlie is low. Besides, Haolai Company is not as well-funded as Procter & Gamble. So it does not have enough funds to input in advertisement. So this creative strategy for print advertising has its own advantages and disadvantages. First at all, the tea fragrance of Darlie toothpaste i s one of the most important advantages. It is a specific smell and taste which other toothpastes have. It has good effects on creating awareness among the target market. Besides, the advertisements on magazines can be accepted by consumers more easily.Most audiences pay much attention to the magazine when they read it. Toothpaste is a low-involvement product, while magazines can express the information about the product to the target market effectively. In addition, it saves the cost. It does not need Celebrity endorsements and TV ads, which is expensive. While there are also some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is current market saturation. Too many companies select to use advertising medium. The Darlie toothpaste’s promotional products may be ignored by consumers. Besides, TV ads appear more frequent than print adverting.The print ads can not impress the consumers repeat by repeat in a short time. Moreover, it lacks of the effect of celebrity, which make low brand l oyalty.6.0 CONCLUSIONSAfter analyzing the current market of the Darlie toothpaste, it can be concluded that:6.1 The current marketing situation of Darlie toothpaste, the including the background about the company, market share, the introduction about the product , competitive analysis, the Darlie toothpaste’s target market and Darlie’s positioning strategy.6. 2 Three promotional elements of the IMC mix have been used in the report.Advertising, sales promotion and interactive/ internet marketing, the IMC program such as the low-involvement hierarchy and the Darlie toothpaste’s IMC objectives have been discussed in the report.6.3 Developing the Darlie toothpaste’s IMC plan. New promotional tool and major selling idea has been made.6.4 Implementation and evaluation of the creative strategy7.0 RECOMMENDATIONIt is recommended that:7. 1 As a low-involvement product, the company should pay more attention to the brand when advertising on mass media.7. 2 Personal selling is as a new promotional tool for Darlie toothpaste.The company should strength the communication between consumers and sellers.7. 3 Free samples and bundling can be used. And the company can promote the toothbrushes in the supermarkets by setting an experience place for attract more consumers. The company should develop specific taste and efficacy of toothpaste, according to the customer's dental health and taste preferences. Besides, good after-sales service for audiences is necessary.7. 4 The new creative strategy for print advertising can be used. It can build the Darlie toothpaste‘s image of fresh breath.